Building your bank account is an important aspect of getting a visa. There should be conscious management of your bank account. Using a bank account the last minute often lead to visa refusal or denial. The visa officer looks at the consistency of the income in the bank statement and that you have enough money for your trip.
How to build your bank account for visa application.
▪ Pay yourself if you are a business owner.
▪ Have a consistent / regular source of income in your account on a monthly basis.
▪ Save money in your acct to ensure you have the required funds for your trip.
▪ Do not make a large deposit in your bank account ahead off the time you want to submit your visa application.
Without a good bank statement getting a visa will be difficult. So it is better to plan and build your account well ahead of your visa application.
We can help you review your bank statement for free.
Contact us for quality study and visit visa application, advice and services.
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